"Hugo__" wanted a tray icon in Gnome which showed a different menu for left and right clicking.
Here's one way to achieve such with PyQt4.
Note - I use QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme here.. and do NOT supply a fallback icon.
Hence, the icons will only show on freedesktop standards compliant environments (gnome, KDE etc..)
http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-naming-spec/icon-naming-spec-latest.html for details.
#! /usr/bin/env python from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore class RightClickMenu(QtGui.QMenu): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QMenu.__init__(self, "Edit", parent) icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("edit-cut") self.addAction(QtGui.QAction(icon, "&Cut", self)) icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("edit-copy") self.addAction(QtGui.QAction(icon, "Copy (&X)", self)) icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("edit-paste") self.addAction(QtGui.QAction(icon, "&Paste", self)) class LeftClickMenu(QtGui.QMenu): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QMenu.__init__(self, "File", parent) icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("document-new") self.addAction(QtGui.QAction(icon, "&New", self)) icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("document-open") self.addAction(QtGui.QAction(icon, "&Open", self)) icon = QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("document-save") self.addAction(QtGui.QAction(icon, "&Save", self)) class SystemTrayIcon(QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon.__init__(self, parent) self.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme("document-save")) self.right_menu = RightClickMenu() self.setContextMenu(self.right_menu) self.left_menu = LeftClickMenu() self.activated.connect(self.click_trap) def click_trap(self, value): if value == self.Trigger: #left click! self.left_menu.exec_(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) def welcome(self): self.showMessage("Hello", "I should be aware of both buttons") def show(self): QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon.show(self) QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(100, self.welcome) if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtGui.QApplication([]) tray = SystemTrayIcon() tray.show() #set the exec loop going app.exec_()
1 comment:
Great example! I am having problems, because no icons are displayed in the menus. Any ideas?
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